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Indian Coast Guard (ICG)

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Topic: Defence and Security

Why in the news?

  • DG Paramesh Sivamani took over as the 26th Director General of the Indian Coast Guard (ICG). The Flag Officer, during his illustrious career spanning over three and a half decades, has served in various capacities in ashore and afloat appointments.

Source: PIB

About Indian Coast Guard (ICG):

  • It was established in August 1978 by the Coast Guard Act, 1978 as an independent Armed force of India.
  • As the fourth largest Coast Guard in the world, it has played a significant role in securing the Indian coasts and enforcing regulations in the maritime zones of India.
  • It is an Armed Force, Search and Rescue and Maritime Law Enforcement agency under the Ministry of Defence.
  • It is headquartered in New Delhi.
  • The concept of forming ICG came into being after the 1971 war.
  • The blueprint for a multidimensional Coast Guard was conceived by the visionary Rustamji Committee.
  • For effective command and control, the Maritime Zones of India are divided into five Coast Guard Regions, namely, North-West, West, East, North-East and Andaman & Nicobar, with the respective Regional Headquarters located at Gandhinagar, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata and Port Blair. .
  • Functions:
    • Preventing smuggling through maritime routes:
      • It has jurisdiction over the territorial waters of India including contiguous zone and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
      • It is responsible for marine environment protection in maritime zones of India and is coordinating authority for response to oil spills in Indian waters.
    • Aid to Civil Authority: 
      • It has also rescued approximately 13,000 personnel till date viz. assistance provided to civil authorities during floods, cyclones and other natural calamities.
      • It also works in close coordination with Central and State agencies to put in place a robust coastal security mechanism.
    • Maritime Security: 
      • It also collaborates with littoral countries to combat transnational maritime crimes and enhance maritime safety in its area of responsibility and in the Indian Ocean Region.
      • Under SAGAR\' - Security and Growth for all in the Region & \'Neighbourhood First\' policy, the ICG has nurtured professional relationships across oceans and established ties with countries in the Indian Ocean Region for Ocean Peacekeeping.
    • Role in Disaster Management: 
      • It has successfully averted major ecological disasters and emerged as the ‘First Responder’ in the region.
        • For example, by undertaking a major fire-fighting and pollution response operation off the Sri Lanka coast.