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Canary islands

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Topic: Places in news

Why in the news?

  • A boat carrying migrants capsized off Spain\'s Canary islands overnight, killing at least nine people and leaving 48 missing. 84 people were on board and 27 were rescued after rescuers responded to a distress call received shortly after midnight from off El Hierro, one of the islands in the archipelago.

Source: The Hindu 

About Canary islands:

  • These constitute an archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean.
  • These are about 1300 km South of mainland Spain and 115 km West of the African coast (Morocco).
  • The Canaries comprise the Spanish provinces of Las Palmas and Santa Cruz de Tenerife. 
  • These Islands were formed by volcanic eruptions millions of years ago. 
  • They have a subtropical climate. Temperatures are warm and show little seasonal variation.
  • They have rich volcanic soils and mild temperatures that support a wide variety of vegetation that generally follows a zonal arrangement based on elevation.


  • It is a term used to describe a group or chain of islands that are closely scattered in a body of water, such as a sea, ocean, lake, or river.
  • Formation: These islands are typically formed through geological processes such as volcanic activity, tectonic movements, or the accumulation of sediment.